Road Safety Programs to Train Young Students in the UAE

Road safety continues to be a major concern in the UAE and schools play a vital role in raising the next generation of responsible road users.  As part of TotalEnergies’s commitment to safety with the key message "Safety for Me, Safety for you and Safety for all", Total Marketing Middle East (TMME), a subsidiary of Total, with its offices in Dubai, has worked closely in partnership with Dubai Police since 2010 in various child road safety programs.

The Traffic Park will drive home the road safety message to children and, through them, across generations.


"My First License - I know My Road Rules"  to Educate Young Students about Road Safety

As part of this initiative, "My first license - I know my road rules" was launched in 2011 and has lasted 4 years.

Participating children drove pedal cars in a simulated circuit within the school to better understand the road reality. Theory sessions were also given to students making them aware of the basic road safety rules.

At the end, each child received a mock license bearing his/her picture and name.

TotalEnergies Traffic Park: A Real Traffic Exercise Every Day

TotalEnergies Traffic Park was created in schools to help students better understand that road safety is important and should always be kept in mind. 

Participating schools were fully equipped with bicycles and pedal-powered cars, zebra crossings, speed breakers, roundabouts, signals, a mock gas station, a police station, a hospital, etc. to create a real time road scenario.

This traffic park offers students a permanent facility in the school to navigate the streets according to traffic laws.  

With ten successfully operational traffic parks, Total Marketing and Middle East intends to increase its permanent footprint in the schools by adding another two before the end of 2016.

TotalEnergies "Safety Cube" to Train Young Students

In 2014, TotalEnergies’s ‘SAFETY CUBE’ program was introduced to interactively engage the parents, students and their teachers within participating schools.

Schools use this cube to train young students about road safety, with the support of trained TotalEnergies employees who volunteered to run these sessions.

This partnership reached over 20,000 students from 4 to 8 years old, studying in 40 different schools in the Emirates. This program is no longer active.

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