Deputy Managing Director, TotalEnergies UAE Services Zakeyya – Empowering local talent to build Total’s future in UAE

Zakeyya, currently Deputy Managing Director, Total UAE Services joined TotalEnergies as Emiratization Project Team Leader.
Prior to this position, she was Talent Developer of Total UAE Services and before it she was Senior Vice President Corporate Affairs, Total Abu Al Bukhoosh. She evolved herself within the company and is now one of the Board Members. During the time with TotalAbk and in her capacity she took care of the recruitment and development and retained a high performing and diverse workforce. Under her the Total ABK Human Resources Department was committed to inspire the core leadership values of Emiratization, people development, innovation and operational excellence. She made sure Total ABK conducted HR business in a manner that promotes fairness and equal opportunity for all.
TotalEnergies, Committed to People
“At TotalEnergies, we organize people review sessions twice a year with all the management involved and discuss development plans for our employees. Talent development targets key personnel and puts them on a challenging career path that might include international assignments. In line with Abu Dhabi’s strategy and vision of Emiratization, Total has adopted and is fully dedicated to the ‘-ization’ program.”
Being a Project Leader, a Source of Pride
“I joined TABK in 2011 as an Emiritization Project Leader fully dedicated to the recruitment and development of UAE nationals.
I take pride in saying that with the support of the management of Total Energies we have been recruiting high potential nationals who must go through our extensive selection process, in order for them to strive and achieve the objectives set for themselves and for the company, TotalEnergies.
We not only support but also motivate/integrate in every possible way from training, assisting in their education, incentive schemes and rewards, etc.”

“I pride myself in providing innovative solutions by thinking globally and acting locally. I believe that one of our strenght at TotalEnergies is the management’s commitment towards people development.”
Jul 2021
Deputy Managing Director at TotalEnergies UAE Services
Jan 2015
Vice President- Human Resources at Total Abu Al Bukhoosh
June 2012 – Dec 2014
Human Capital Manager at Total Abu Al Bukhoosh
December 2011 – May 2012
Deputy Human Capital Development Manager at Total Abu Al Bukhoosh
September 2011
Emiritization Project Leader at Total Abu Al Bukhoosh